Sunday, September 6, 2015

Love vs Lust

As children we yearn for love. Love and affection from an older sibling or guardian, we're all starving to catch a piece of truth that we are loved and we are relevant to someone. As we grow our love becomes more complex, we develop the urge to put our words into action, to us its the primal, the physical that serves as our adrenaline. The touch of ones hands stroking your face, a kiss. As adults we wait for that one touch, that one look of acceptance and approval from another that confirms that you both want the same thing.  In this day the 21st century we seem to have forgotten about compatibility and we only focus on our urges and needs just to neg left with sorrow and regret. Love is such a challenge that I'm afraid that they'll eventually turn into a course. I'd like to see just how many of us would pass.

Little Influences

       The people that influence me the most would have to be my little sister, and brother. Though they are much younger than me they have taught me so much and have shown me a much better way to live. I’ve always believed that children make the best teachers and watching my younger siblings grow up have proven to me that children do in fact make great teachers. Life is no longer dull or dreary thanks to my younger siblings they have taught me how to live life to the fullest. I used to be so scared to be myself for fear that others would misjudge me but now I’m myself regardless of what others think of me  My little brother has taught me how to laugh at myself which was something I was never able to do until he was born.

    I’ve learned patience from my baby sister she is so calm and collected that I’ve learned to not let certain things get to me and to brush things aside if they weren’t important enough. Being the eldest you learn a lot about responsibility and caring for someone besides yourself. The most important thing I’ve learned from these two would be how to love. With them in my life I have someone to care for, someone to protect, and someone to love and I do my best to be the best for them because they have loved me without judgment and they love me flaws and all, these are the two people that have influenced me the most.

The Game of Life

      These past couple of years have been the most trying. During this time I have learned quite a bit about life.I have learned that innocence has an expiration date. As children we are gifted with the ability to be naive and gullible, and to have the audacity to believe the world is a wonderful place. As I am growing and being forced out of my innocence and into the cruel cold world I have also been given the misfortune of having to learn the truths about life, having to question if all that I was taught to believe were lies.
      I have been told that I have an active imagination, but how does one begin to imagine half the things I've seen, and endured?